How many Bedrooms do desire or need?
Here is Kingsford Waterbay Serangoon you can get your choice from a 1 to 5 bedroom condominiums and in two flavors one facing Sungei Seragoon and the other facing Upper Seragoon Way itself.

The best views are available on the sixth floor and above that give you a magnificent unrestricted view of the surrounding area. If you would like copies of the floor plans, you can find them here: Here they will be happy to send you the latest information on the current styles of floorplans for your perusal.

Kingsford Waterbay Serangoon

You can still get your choice of a great condominium with a view of your choice.

Project Details
This is a new Development Project and you will be getting in on the ground floor of a new and exciting lifestyle for you and your family.

Planning for you and your …